Tv manhunt gay

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But then, I quickly realized that the competition wasn't about that at all it was about confidence in front of the camera. Out of all the guys, I had just about the least amount of knowledge about the fashion industry. I thought I had the worst chances out of almost anyone there. In the end, Jon snags $100,000 and a prestigious modeling contract with IMG, plus a free interview with TV Guide Online! TV Guide Online: Congrats! Did you think you'd win? Iceland-born Jon Jonsson - the 22-year-old single Adonis pictured here - was crowned the winner, beating out popular runner-up Rob Williams (who just happened to be the only openly gay contestant in the Top Ten). One of Bravo's latest additions to their ever-increasing reality lineup, Manhunt: The Search for America's Most Gorgeous Male Model, aired its juicy finale last week.

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